Submit to Issue #3: On Call… to ACTION!

Posted: July 14th, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: General | Comments Off on Submit to Issue #3: On Call… to ACTION!

We wanted to write a piece for the last issue about how much we hate being on call, but we were overwhelmed with anxiety from, uh, being on call. However, there’s so much to say on this topic that we’re dedicating the next issue to it!

Submit your stories about being on call:

  • What can’t you do when you are on call?
  • What would other industries look like if their workers were required to be on call?
  • How has being on call disrupted your personal life?
  • How has your workplace normalized on call culture?
  • How do people push back against invasive on call culture?

Other content about the invasive 24/7 aspects of technology work would fit too.

Stories are ideally ~1000 words. Creative features and artwork are welcome.

Deadline: August 1st, 2019

Submissions should be sent to: